Apr 02, 2004 16:50
I'm back from the hospital again. I had to go to the ER Wednesday night. (It also inspired a 25-minute rant from B about my health. "First there was this nose thing and now this...." The gist was that young and good people never get sick. She seriously needs to get strangled.)
Now they have an even better idea of what it isn't--it's not Crohn's disease or gastro-intestinal in nature--but aren't any more certain of what it is. At least I'm feeling better again. I'm still in some pain, but not at the level where I need morphine to deal with it.
I'm so glad to have that IV out. This one hurt badly from the moment they put it in through to the time they took it out--two days--but my arms were already so badly bruised and needle-shot from my last visit that they couldn't put it anywhere else. I look like a junkie. And they refused to have me there without an IV just in case I coded....
Damn, but being in the hospital is like a metaphor for how my life has felt lately. Something mysterious is wrong with me, people who should be able to help me are avoiding or ignoring me, and I have no personal power to get out. Funny, that.
sinus and septum surgery 2004,
medical misadventures,
health obstacles