So I've had to put off visiting my friend a bit due to a few things: injuring my right ankle (again) Monday night, major cold snap, flooding in New Jersey, coming snowstorm, Amtrak canceling some of its schedule. I've had worse ankle injuries but babying it the first few days is important and getting myself to a train or bus station would require taking a subway train into Manhattan, which means a lot of walking and a lot of stairs.
It's my driving foot, which just extra means I can't drive myself to Pittsburgh.
I still have the bandage the podiatrist gave me for this ankle when I last injured it at the end of March, so I've been keeping it tight-wrapped for compression and support while sitting, standing, and especially walking, to keep the swelling lower and prevent some damage. (I'm especially careful and ginger while walking outside, since the sidewalks and roads are very icy and slippery here.)
I've sprained, twisted, rolled, etc. both ankles so many times--the Ehlers-Danlos syndrome doesn't help--I have treating them down to a science, which means I don't have to go to a doctor every time, which is good since this happens too often.
The first sprain or two on each ankle was agonizing--like pain that made me scream--and long-term debilitating, while the 20th is "Aaaggggggggh! ^%#@*! ...shit, now I have to hobble to my car to go home and RICE this thing."
I've started taking down my Christmas tree in stages, stages because I'm trying not to have my weight on my right ankle for long periods of time. I removed the angel topper, candy canes, glass icicles, and about 95% of the ornaments before I stopped, and put all the remaining ornaments at the front of the tree so it's still semi-decent to look at. Thus:
I borrowed three albums of music from the library that I listened to as I worked. Death Cab for Cutie's Thank You for Today is so often so sad, good but sad, that I switched to Weird Al Yankovic's Poodle Hat after for a breather. Would "Party at the Leper Colony" be allowed today?