
Nov 10, 2022 23:40

I am worried about something new. Wednesday night I started having a ringing in both ears, worse in the left, and a bit of that feeling in the base of my skull connecting them. I went to bed earlier than usual since I felt like crap and hoped I could sleep some of that off. That didn't work, and I also felt a kind of "thickness" inside my left ear. Primary care said if I saw them they'd do nothing but refer me to an ENT, at which point I called four different offices looking for a doctor who could see me before Monday. I managed to get a walk-in at a place in Manhattan's Chinatown/Little Italy area. She vacuumed a ton of wax out of my left ear and said the ringing should stop within 20 minutes. It did not, and I still have it eight hours later. She said if the ringing continues for days, I should come back for a hearing test.

She didn't see any sign of an infection and the right ear was clean.

The inside of my left ear hurts and itches a bit, possibly from all the suction it experienced. I hope that dies down too.

I'm also wondering if this might partly be a skull pressure/neurology issue. The ENT was confounded by how I experienced some of this in the base of my skull and back of my head.

I don't want long-term tinnitus!

While I was walking around the area, I took notice of 240 Centre Street, the Police Building, in Little Italy. For decades it's contained co-op condos, but it housed the headquarters of the New York City Police Department from 1909 to 1973.

If I had the money, this is the manner I'd want to live in. But not just any apartment in there, since some of them, as seen on the internet, seem to be modern, white-walled, minimalist bs. If you're fortunate enough to live within a Beaux Arts/Edwardian Baroque/Renaissance Revival building exterior, why in the world wouldn't you have at least some of that flavor in your interior home space?

I went to Pearl River Mart's new location and was so disappointed. It had so little space, just one level, and mostly contained like almost novelty stuff. There used to be a massive amount of authentic, rare to non-Chinese people, stuff to peruse and purchase. I guess that's online only now.


Great, now I can expect more than a month of a ton of e-mails begging me to donate to Warnock vs. Walker.

neurology, health obstacles, photos, new york city, buildings

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