Get on out of your seat

Jun 17, 2021 01:02

Seen in a neighbor's front yard during a 3 a.m. walk. Some of these little solar-powered lanterns make interesting light patterns at night.

I'd thought the Johnston mausoleum at First Calvary Cemetery was looking better the last time I recently saw it in May, and it turns out there was some work done on it last year! Yes, this is me, checking on and worrying over cemetery sites and monuments like they're my neighbors.

Bo Burnham has released a third song with video from Inside to his YouTube account, with this "one a week" thing making me hope we may yet get "Bezos" on YT. This week's is the haunting "All Eyes on Me." (Warning for several uses of the F word.) Commenters keep talking about how mentally broken Bo seems in it, while I can't stop thinking it's also about how the performer/audience relationship can sometimes be unhealthy on both sides. Bo deepens his voice and processes it somewhat for this song, but someone created a version of "All Eyes on Me" transposed to his original voice, and it hits differently, more emotionally, for me at least.


The saga of me trying to get someone to do a root canal on that lower left side molar continues. It doesn't help me that there's a visible hole in the top of the tooth, has been for weeks, which my regular dentists won't do anything about because they say it'll just hurt more if they fill it in or sand it out a bit and they're not doing the root canal on it so.... It currently hurts now and then--like right now--sometimes quite badly.

At least I got a reason for why they did the lower right side one but not the left: the left being a molar means it has three nerves instead of one and is a more complicated issue that requires more time, work, and anesthesia and thus an endodontist instead of a dentist. And they don't have an endodontist who takes Medicaid at this office and their Port Washington office isn't taking any new patients.

After weeks of going through the suggested practitioners Medicaid provided in three calls I made and eight people, all of them being wrong numbers or wrong places or not an endodontist--except for one endodontist whose online reviews are either 4.8 out of 5 stars or 2 stars, with many 2 stars saying he's an unsanitary and rude man who explains nothing to you and will keep going even if you tell him the pain medications have worn off, with one review calling him a "nightmare"--I found an office in Manhattan that might do it and have e-mailed a permission form to my regular dentist to e-mail the x-rays of the tooth there. We'll see what happens.

The thing about pain meds wearing off is scary to me because the root canal I got a week and a half ago required injection after injection after injection after injection of anesthesia, with the incredulous dentist having to finally bring out the really high-powered stuff, which finally worked. But wore off early. She needed to give me more injections so she could finish. That still hurts a bit. I haven't heard yet whether Medicaid will approve me for a post and crown after rejecting the first request.

For a three-nerve root canal, I want to be numb.

I hope the antibiotics have killed off the infection my dentist said was in the nerves of the left tooth when I saw them and had x-rays done Friday.

By the way, I was not prepared for the dentist shoving a sheet of rubber into my mouth before the root canal and having it in there through the whole procedure. My recurring thought was that I did not consent to this, this is not my kink! But I guess it was better than being waterboarded on and off for two hours like I was during my last root canal.


I may have figured out part of the reason why Syosset has a dinosaur statue. Here it is, dressed like a graduate now. There's a cast on its right arm; it's on a property featuring several medical offices. Still no idea why it's a dinosaur though.

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pain management, photos, first calvary cemetery, medicaid, youtube, cemeteries, teeth 2021, bo burnham, health obstacles, music, queens, vids

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