I Hate This

Feb 05, 2021 21:53

While walking to my MRI appointment, my left ankle betrayed me, went out, and sent me plummeting down to the wet concrete. I didn't even slip on anything, it was just my ankle being a bastard. I'm thankful for my phone's protective case, because when I fell my phone skidded facedown across the sidewalk. My glass would've been shredded. The impact was so jarring that I just laid there on the cement in some puddles for a few minutes to collect myself.

Since I was about 0.2 miles away from the radiology office, I walked there then did some acupressure by hand and elevated my ankle while waiting and in the machine. Since I didn't have my car or a ride and the local bus route would only let me ride for a block and a half, I walked 0.6 miles mostly uphill to get home. I put an ankle brace on for compression as soon as I got home and I'll wear it walking around tomorrow. Now home, all the other parts of my body I injured in the fall are hurting, like the swollen bruise on my right knee or the pain at the back of my right calf.

At least the MRIs were much less uncomfortable than I expected. When I had an MRI done for the tendonitis in 2017, I was forced to keep my damaged, painful arm perfectly straight and still at an unnatural angle for 35 minutes. Consider my history and think on what it means when I say that that MRI was one of the most painful in my life. You can comment here or at the Dreamwidth crosspost.
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left arm mystery, pain management, right shoulder mystery, left ankle of the damned

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