The toilet paper shortage is so bad in Queens that today my roommate and I each bought a big package of facial tissue just in case. (My dad in Long Island will be on the lookout for us though, since it seems to be getting more shipments or they're lasting longer there. He's willing to drive to us to make a delivery now and then.)
Seeing the shelves at a local Target tonight, I've realized that I have to stop shopping like a rational person and start thinking like a crazy one when buying things, because the panic buyers are the ones emptying the shelves and I need to be prepared for what's gonna go.
Also, for some reason there were no beans left in the aisle they're supposed to be in but I found many cans in the canned fruit section. I got three garbanzo and two red kidney today.
There are so many things being rationed at that Target, every one shopper is only to buy X amount of paper towels, dry goods, etc. I already knew about the bottled water buying limits.
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