(no subject)

Mar 18, 2020 23:58

Today was... not good.

I drove myself and roommate J to the Douglaston Fairway 8 miles away because their price on and selection of Noosa yogurt are pretty than any of my local supermarkets. Of course, it turns out that Fairway didn't have any of that yogurt at all, unlike my local supermarkets.

On the way there, my car's "check engine" light came on for the sixth time since September, and this time is the fastest it's put itself back on again, a month. The last five times it's been nothing but...

While we were at Fairway, my spring thing hit hard, worse than two weeks ago. Increased burning interference headache, feeling of weakness through my whole body, shaking, fatigue. We left a bit early because of it. Between feeling like hammered, vibrating crap and J talking to me, I got distracted while sitting at a red light and drove through the intersection too early, before it changed to green. Nobody was coming crossways--I saw no one was coming and had thought the light changed partially because of that--so no one was in danger but I'm really hoping there wasn't a camera on that light because I don't need a traffic ticket.

We parked for ten minutes. J fed me Gatorade and a protein bar to try to bring my energy up. I drove us home, fortunately mostly on the highway so there are fewer stop and start decisions to make, and even managed to find a spot near the house. There's a pylon at the corner but no paper notice of road work tomorrow so I hope it's okay. (This morning was the third morning in a row of massive grinding and jackhammering sounds starting at 7 am and going through afternoon.) Then I slept for hours. I woke up at 10:30 pm feeling a little bit better.

I guess I'll call the mechanic shop tomorrow to see if anyone's in. I had a pain management appointment to go to, but instead of me driving 21 miles to Syosset the appointment will be me staying at home waiting from 12 - 3pm for a telehelp session with my doctor on my smart phone. Given what happened after the call asking me if I wanted to do telehelp, it's a good thing I agreed to it. I assume doing it as a kind of facetime thing instead of a phone call, enabling the doctor to see my face, is what makes it okay. Medicare has agreed to cover sessions like this during the Covid-19 related lockdowns.

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pain management, covid-19, spring thing, car, civic, medicare, allergies, health obstacles, queens

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