Who's gonna save me from myself

Feb 05, 2020 05:31

Every WIP I'm working on--three of them--is running long. So frustrating. Having some shorter fics to post occasionally gives me a feeling of accomplishment.

I'm ambivalent about my hair color. Although my scalp is dry and somewhat itchy in the winter, my brunette roots were getting so long and so different in texture from my blonding length that I finally had to dye it all. I compromised by not going all the way down to the scalp everywhere and not leaving the dye on as long as usual, especially since I was getting some burning sensation. A few weeks later the color has equalized more and my natural highlights are visible. It actually looks good, maybe somewhat fake from some of the kinds of red but the fake doesn't hit you in the face, and the darker hair at the roots in places--like the hair at the edge of my forehead and my temples that gets the earliest dye of my whole head but never takes it fully--gives it depth and might suggest that darker hair is coming in because it's winter. (A professional would make my hair lighter near my face, but I can't afford a professional dye job or let anyone wash my hair out with my neck on the edge of a sink.) Yet I'm disappointed because I never got that bang! effect of obvious, totally new color. It's silly.

I've been experiencing more pain than usual and in the unusual place of my jaw right behind my left ear, so my neurologist gave me trigger point injections up and down both sides of my neck and a little into my shoulders. It hurt a lot at the time but there's some relief now, though it was also weird having the back of my head and neck totally numb for several hours. With all the worse and unusual pain I was in today, we decided not to try Emgality for the first time yet.

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writing, neurology, pain management, meds, hair, red

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