
Nov 08, 2019 12:26

My Medicaid situation is not completely fixed. While they’ll pay my co-pay as secondary insurance to my primary insurance of Medicare and my monthly Medicare premiums, which are important, it’s still not active enough to cover dental and may not be for 30 days! (This is why I call to check.) And my dental office won’t even make a new appointment for me if my Medicaid isn’t already active. It’s too bad for me that my teeth hurt, sometimes all the way into my ear, and Monday is a national holiday where government offices won’t be open.

I mean, I only submitted my paperwork directly to them Wednesday. I shouldn’t have expected that to have gotten anything done yet. ~sigh~

I got a nice person on the phone at HRA who says she’ll try to get it expedited, with a mention that I’m dealing with tooth pain and possible infection, and gave me a reference number but I shouldn’t even bother calling to see if that worked until Tuesday or Wednesday.

I should have known that my car having a different sensor glitch this time and nothing obviously wrong aside from that (you know, aside from the glitchy transmission and bad struts and being rickety with age; hey, it passed inspection in August) and not even being charged for labor was too much good fortune at once for me to expect the Medicaid and dental thing would also be fixed.

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medical misadventures, health obstacles, medicaid, car, november 2019 wtf, civic

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