Windows Does It Again

Jul 30, 2019 14:00

I did a little Windows update, not the large one they want me to do, and now I can’t get into my account on my computer and just get some start-up screen that doesn’t let me access any of my files and settings and some of my programs. I have been talking to Microsoft support for hours in what’s so far been utter futility. I’m wondering if it’s balking because I didn’t put a password on my user account-why would I when I’m the only person with access-but can’t be certain and the techs don’t know.

The first guy tried something, left it incomplete because it was taking too long, and didn’t call me back three hours later like he said he would. When I called again, the woman I got tried something completely different and didn’t want to hear about what the guy did, until she gave up. I’m now waiting a call from a senior technician. I told them to call me as soon as possible but thus far that’s been longer than you’d think. My whole day is being wasted over something that never should have been a problem.

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windows hell, computer advice

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