Another Loss

Jun 16, 2019 21:22

One of these wars is not like the other.


I'm so upset that I lost a brand new Threadless t-shirt at the laundromat. I hadn't even worn it yet; I was washing off the chemical smell first. This is the second t-shirt I've lost there in the last six months. I really thought I checked the machines enough before moving on, so are there portals inside them?

I found out it was gone an hour later after I got home--I have a lot of inside-out black t-shirts in my wash--and returned to the place but all the machines I used were in use by other people. The lady who runs the place is familiar with me and says she'll be on the lookout, but I don't have much hope.

Why can't I at least lose an old, worn out, or cheap shirt?

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