I Digress

Nov 19, 2018 03:29

NYC has started unveiling its Christmas windows, and I did my first round reconnaissance at 3 a.m. Saturday morning. (I do a few swings if I can since the first run gives me an idea of what I'm missing for the next one.) Bergdorf Goodman has a sweets-themed series they're calling Bergdorf Goodies, Bloomingdale's a The Grinch one, and Saks Fifth Avenue has unveiled some of its windows in its Theater of Dreams series, with a few more opening up for the first time on Monday, 11/19, at 7 p.m. To my vast annoyance, a lot of the Saks windows are drowned in red light, stymying efforts to photograph them.

Here are a few of what I picked up, none of them from the red light district of Saks. You can click on the thumbnails for the larger version.

Bloomingdale's. The mannequin's dress shows an NYC cityscape.

Bergdorf Goodman.
Cotton candy




I'm game to do the December posting meme if you guys are. (The link lets you see past questions I've answered.)

I'm soliciting questions for this year's December posting meme - surely you have an interesting (or boring - I don't judge), impertinent, or unusual question for me? What have you always wanted to know about me, my past, or my opinions on Very Important Topics?


My eldest niece continues to be horrified by the parts of contemporary culture I'm aware of. When I asked her if anyone ever slid into her DMs on Instagram, her "Nooooooooooo, stoppppppppp!" gave me life. As a kid, I assumed it was just adults being out of touch and trying to show how hip with the youth they are, but as an adult myself I do it out of pure sadism because the tears of suffering children embarrassed by the adults around them are delicious.

Then there was the time I tried to explain "smol bean" to my Baby Boomer roommate and part of her response was "'Bean' as in legume?"

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december posting meme, photos, window displays, fandom, bergdorf goodman windows, bloomingdale's windows, new york city, saks fifth avenue windows, christmas

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