
Jun 02, 2018 22:43

Today BBC America aired a clutch of great old X-Files episodes today--"Folie à Deux," "Drive," "Monday," and "Bad Blood" (I wasn't as enthused by "How the Ghosts Stole Christmas" and "The Post-Modern Prometheus," the last of which I always thought was overrated)--reminding me how good the show, my first fandom, could be. Though apparently Mulder annoys me at times these days when he didn't used to. Notably, they're all "monster of the week" episodes.


I went to the Grand Central Terminal Apple store and found out that the iPhone problem was a hardware issue. They told me to come back in two hours to pick up my repaired device, so I wandered the blocks around 42nd Street, including picking up really transcendant salmon and avocado sushi at Katagiri Japanese Grocery for lunch, sitting out in Bryant Park, and taking in two small exhibits at the main branch of the New York Public Library. When I returned and picked up my phone, it still had the same problems I brought it in with. I asked why nobody checked before handing it back to me, only to be told that they checked it manually and by computer diagnostic and it was working at the time. This resulted in me getting yet another new iPhone 5s replacement, this time for the $64 it cost to repair the camera.

(We'll be watching to see if AT&T tries to charge us full-price as if it's a brand new phone instead of a sanctioned repair replacement again.)

None of my usual stores had new or good displays, so I walked to Central Park and listened to live music, visited the turtles at the edge of The Lake, and saw a cardinals' nest in a rosebush at Besthesda Terrace. I really wanted to get a good photo of the nest but it was so camouflaged by rose stems that I only even saw it because I noticed the flash of red of the male moving amidst the green, white, and pink of the bush.


It's been either humid or raining here lately, so my hair has been crazy. Late last night I got restless and went for a drive. I had my hair in a bun for most of it but took it down when my head started hurting more and opened the windows because there's just something so wonderful to me about driving with the windows down, wind in my hair. Said hair looked a bit like auburn cotton candy afterward.

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driving, hair, x-files, new york city, iphone, the road

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