There are comments and e-mails I need to get back to and answer but can't because my head has been messed up in a painful and often thought-jamming way so many times lately.
lunarennui, that person who e-mailed me with the offer? I can't get anything going because I can't brain right. There are some lovely in-depth comments on "Glass Houses" that have been unanswered for over a month because I just can't. I'm not making the progress on
"Situational" that I want to. I feel awful about all of it. I'm sorry everybody. The pain and feeling of thought interference aren't 24/7 but they're often enough.
But I did heat up, eat, and enjoy the remaining piece of chicken mentioned in
this post, something my body doesn't always feel in the mood enough in time to do. I mention the "enjoy" because sometimes reheated breast meat comes out too dry but this time it didn't.
I went to visit some popular old spots of mine at Lutheran All Faiths recently and was dismayed by how overgrown and rundown everything looks there right now. It's like when you see a friend in bad shape and want to ask if they're okay and if there's anything you can do.
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