I Am Personified, Bonafide Catastrophe

Jan 17, 2018 07:06

I've been collecting Amazon gift cards for awhile, so I gave myself some Christmas gifts. Thank you, my friends!

So Nine Inch Nails' Add Violence EP is mostly alright, though it's nothing Trent hasn't already done before, but "The Background World" is indefensible. It starts out well enough, but a little over four minutes in it keeps repeating the same short music clip over and over and over. At first I thought it was a mistake and gave up. It wasn't a mistake: if you fast forward ahead enough you hear the clip gradually degenerating into noise. The song is eleven minutes and forty-four seconds long.

I'd love a version of "The Background World" that's just the song without the seven minutes of masturbation, please.

No, I'm serious!


Eisbrecher's Sturmfahrt ["Storm Ride"] is so much fun, though since my last German class was in 1994 I only understand 15-20% of their lyrics. They could be singing about sacrificing kittens to Satan and I don't care because I enjoying listening to the music and voice so much. They describe their sound as Neue Deutsche Härte ["the new German hardness"]--a genre of industrial metal, which takes elements of groove metal, techno & German rock--though "Wo Geht Der Teufel Hin" sounds rather '80s in a good way.

...uhm, the name of that song translates to "Where Does the Devil Go." *snerk* But they tend to be more positive than that most of the time! I mean, their "Die Hölle Muss Warten" on a previous album might mean "Hell Has to Wait" but it's partially a love song.


I just got KMFDM's Hell Yeah today so I don't really know how I feel about it yet, though my first listen is positive and suggests it rides on the electronic side more than the metal side this time and that they reacted to MAGA and Trump about how I expected they would since they've been against these kinds of policy and rhetoric since the 1980s. They even have a sample of Kellyanne Conway in a song called "Fake News."

They also continue to be Schuldig's band, like in "Burning Brain." That song is immediately followed by "Only Lovers," which could be a Schwarz song and outright mentions telepathy.


I heard "Major Tom (Völlig Losgelöst)" by Peter Schilling in Atomic Blonde and liked it, but that's a whole-album-only song and I already mentioned why I'm not doing that, so I was looking at it as an MP3 on Amazon but ran into a problem: which one? The one on the movie soundtrack is 4:58 long, but....

weiß kreuz, nine inch nails, music, eisbrecher, kmfdm

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