So Let Me Go

Jul 23, 2017 05:21

The heat and humidity here have been making my headaches much worse as well as making a lot of my old injuries hurt--my left ankle, the return of pain in my left shoulder and upper arm, my right knee, the scar on the back of my head--and seriously sapping my energy. This is the worst summer has been to me in a while. I actually ended up just paying for the renewal of AVG anti-virus because I couldn't get my brain, spoons, and self together enough to research other options then schlep my laptop to the library early enough during its operating hours so I could use their wifi to download new software. Uninstalling the AVG would be challenging in my current state as well.

At least I was well enough Friday night--at least it's a bit cooler at nights, though Friday was about 88 degrees Fahrenheit/30 Celsius--to do some driving in Manhattan. The window displays were still seriously lacking, not enough to bother parking and running for (it was too early at night to be more confident about the police not showing up), but I hit upon a tribute mix of Linkin Park songs on 92.3 Amp radio. It's appropriate it was aired on 92.3, since back in the day when it was KROQ, an alternative station, Linkin Park was such a common play on it that I'd hear a song or two of theirs every time I drove somewhere and didn't need to buy Hybrid Theory. (I didn't need to buy Tool albums either for similar reasons.) Amp plays a lot of rap and hip-hop, so their mix included a lot of songs from Linkin Park's collaboration/remix project with Jay-Z, most of which I never heard before. It was a trip.

I was in Manhattan earlier at night than usual, 8:30 pm through 11:30 pm, which meant traffic but also reminded me of the joy I get when I outsmart and outmaneuver other drivers in the city.

On the way back, roadwork closed down several exits of the LIE that included mine, so since I had to get off a few exits down the line I decided that Somebody wanted me to get ices at the Lemon Ice King of Corona. Besides, I've been so dehydrated lately. As I sat and ate my banana-flavored ices in a park nearby at 11:45 pm, I watched some locals play bocce, not that I can follow the game intelligently. Some barber shops across the street were still open at midnight.


Nine Inch Nails' new EP, Add Violence, is available as an MP3 album or streaming even though a CD won't be released until September, but I'm holding off on purchasing it until it's been around enough to get more reviews. The review that used the term "laidback" gives me pause, since I don't listen to NIN for "laidback."

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linkin park, chiari i malformation, left ankle of the damned, nine inch nails, left arm mystery, music, driving, new york city, queens, ehlers-danlos syndrome

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