
Apr 24, 2017 03:42

So I've been talking about how my computer had been shutting itself down once a night and the remote AVG tech thought it was an issue of the machine running too hot. I air-blasted its fan, adjusted its seating on the laptop cooler, and pondered buying a new computer. Nothing helped. This went on for about two weeks.

But then recently I realized that my machine always shut off while I was in or having trouble with Firefox. At one point I'd barely turned my computer on and only had Firefox running and it shut itself off.

So I decided to use Chrome instead of Firefox. Without using Firefox, I've been on for eight hours or more at a time the last three nights without a single shutdown.

Firefox isn't supporting Windows XP in its new updates, but I can use Chrome, which hasn't updated for over a year for the same reason, without this crap. Man, I miss my Firefox though. It's annoying how Chrome keeps blanking out and refreshing any tab I'm not currently in.

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