
Apr 06, 2016 05:15

I'm happy that after-Easter discount candy has been hanging around so long, because in recent years you had a day or less to pick up that candy before it was gone. I do this with the candy-related holidays. It makes me a bit nostalgic too, since one of my online roleplay Schuldig's major character interaction/conversation ploys involved the candy of St. Mark Downs' Days. He'd lure folks in with candy and get 'em to talk/give him material for later. He was actually one of the few providers of "food that wouldn't do strange things to you" in the Nexus.


I decided to give the Cure's Distintegration a listen for the first time in years since for the longest time I was all played out on it. It came into my life in 1990 while sleeping over a friend's house, and it's amazing I didn't hate it because she had it playing as we were going to sleep and I thought that was cool to give it a single listen but she had it playing on a loop all night long and I can't sleep while music with lyrics is playing but it wasn't my house or room and I didn't feel like I could shake her awake so. *g* I only had two songs of it in my iTunes, so when I went back it was with the idea of deciding what to add to my iTunes.

The songs on the album aren't so matchy-matchy that they sound like one long song--I'm looking at you, Collide's Some Kind of Strange--but the aesthetic of them is similar enough that they tend to blend together. But I'm pleased that I remembered enough of it that the sound I associated with the album even after I semi-forgot it is actually the music effect at the beginning of the first song, "Plainsong," so I remembered even as I didn't remember.

Listening to it in my car brought me back to the old days, but hearing it at night there gave me chills. It's pretty amazing how music can be a time machine.

There are a lot of really good songs on this album, with some really killer lyrics at times. Though "Love Song" is so played out for me that it didn't get into my iTunes. (I already have two bands doing cover versions of it anyway.)

Though "Prayers for Rain" made me wonder if people grown up on MP3s will recognize the sound of music played backwards.

roleplaying, weiß kreuz, collide, music, goth, the cure

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