I reached the Dostoevski section of Nabokov's Lectures on Russian Literature, and ho boy does he hate and scorn Dostoevski, so much so that every time he mentions him in sections about other authors he always makes sure to reiterate that Dostoevski is a mediocre writer and sentimental and he sucksI agree with some of his strikes at Dostoevski but a
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I was very. veeeery surprised by that reaction.
I finished Lectures and enjoyed it, even if I disagreed with a lot of his conclusions! It made me think, and it made me sad to think of all the things I'm missing from the books in the English translations.
I'm half Polish but haven't been exposed to much of my maternal grandfather's culture--my mom didn't even play the accordion often--so I doubt that has much to do with my interest in Russian literature.... (If you're curious, I'm also 1/4 Italian and 1/4 Irish-Anglo-Norman.)
Funny and depresive.
2. May I ask you to tell more about hemingway? And Faulkner? They both are nearly equal to gods here O__o.
3. I _am_ curiuos! Me - I am mainly middle-Russian but with a bit of Jewish blood. It's not that I was able to lspeak Hebrew language but when I hear its sounds - well, my ears tells me it's music ^_^
2. Hemmingway's work is too sparse for me. I usually feel like he's leaving a lot, too much, for the reader to insert. I'm not enthused with his subject matter or protagonists either. Though if it actually was written by Hemmingway, I was impressed by this six-word novel: "For sale: Baby shoes, never worn."
Reading Faulkner's The Sound and Fury for a college class convinced me to never seek out any more of his work. Some members of my class, me included, used the phrase "Callie smelled like trees" as shorthand for our suffering on this novel. The teacher had a guide, with notes corresponding to the page numbers in the edition we were reading from, to tell us what we were supposed to be getting out of this book. I had the most annoyance from the Quentin section, where the sentences were ( ... )
And I cannot to force myself to read hemmmingways books, my parents' generation has had loved him too much.
Though his friend Fitzgerald is welcome ^__^
2a, about Faulkner: YES, I suppose most part of his books is translated by heroic people ^__^ After 2WW in our country there was the only chance for translators: to make a deal with "Anti-war!" and "anti-capitalism!" authors.
3. Too good to have mixed blood ^__^ You can play _any_ character, and all of them are the trooth ones.
My son learns English, this month he told me that hed like to get to Roman-German lingual faculty; maybe it would be possible sincehe was near me when I translated some stories ^__^
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