Well, That Lasted a Few Months Longer Than I Expected

Apr 08, 2002 15:10

Harry's out of the recently reunited Concrete Blonde. He just failed to show up for a Kansas City gig. Considering that he also just never bothered to show up or give any notice that he wouldn't be there for that 120 Minutes episode I saw in 94-95(?), it sounds like this is a problem of his. And that he's passive aggressive. Johnette's diary said that she didn't worry a lot at first in Kansas City because in Phoenix a few years ago he came so late that they were into their 4th or 5th song by the time he showed up and got on stage. But he never showed this time, and they had someone else to take over on drums for them.

Johnette writes:
>> If Harry cared about the fans, he wouldn't have left without telling anyone. It made me very, very happy that the Kansas City & St.Louis & Columbia crowd had a good time. He will not be back, and to everyone who wrote, I'm sorry. I really am, but I can't change this, and I won't. We are making music and moving forward and Jim and I are talking about the next record and if it weren't for Matt [who's drumming for them in Harry's absence], this tour wouldn't be going the way it is. So we're very grateful. But we'll go on, because Jim and I started this band without anyone, and we'll keep it going now. I am so grateful for the support and do not intend to slow down or stop for anyone. If you want your money back, ask for it and I'm sure you'll get it. But I will play my songs and continue to do so and he simply didn't show up. Period. He will not get another chance to fuck everyone over again. <<

I am now even more resentful that I didn't hear about that February gig at the Knitting Factory until after it sold out.

Hey, at least she wants to make another album with Jim.

music, concrete blonde

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