Dec 20, 2013 05:34
What's gone wrong with the Add to Memories function? When I click on the heart button all I get is a pop-up asking me whether I want it private, public, or friends instead of sending me to the page that asks me what category I want to put the entry in. Plus, if I do just click "private, public, or friends" then go to the Memorable Entries page, the entry as listed there isn't clickable, which renders the Add to Memory function useless.
I've put in a support request.
ETA: I got an answer: "If you right-click on the Add Memory button and select to open the link in a new tab, you will be taken to the full categorization options. I have submitted a suggestion to developers to add a 'Full options' style link to the new pop-up dialog, so that this can be selected more easily than opening a new tab." I'm glad I asked, since I never would have thought to try that one myself.
livejournal shenanigans,