
Oct 03, 2011 01:47

This week two strangers in two different settings started a conversation with me about Dancing With the Stars, which is two more conversations with strangers than I usually have a week. One was at the laundromat while the TV spoke of Nancy Grace's wardrobe malfunction, while the other was at Sizzler when someone overheard my conversation with my dad and asked who I think might win the season and we went on from there.


When I saw a billboard by the road for The Three Musketeers, before I noticed the title I wondered why somebody was advertising the Bee Gees. (...some of you may have to ask your parents.)


It bothers me that I can't figure out whether Weird Al is Famine or Pestilence on the cover of his Alpocalypse album.


A young neighborhood cat invited himself into my car. (I'm actually not sure about its gender, but it's small and lithe looking enough to still be fairly young. It has a collar with bells on it.) Too bad I was late for The Amazing Race and had to shoo him out! I've seen him before, but he always skittishly ran away. Tonight he came right over to my offered hand for a head skritch and then jumped into the back seat of my car and up onto the shelf beneath the back window. He ignored me asking him to leave and "playfully" batted at me when I tried to pick him up so I had to move him on out with my road atlas.

I hope he's as friendly the next time I see him, when I hopefully also have more time to be social, and doesn't just remember me as the rude human who threw him out of the warm comfy place that also smelled faintly of chicken from the leftovers from dinner I had bagged nearby.

If you're curious, he's white with some very irregular black markings.

car, movies, cats, boogie the cat, music, dancing with the stars, amazing race, weird al yankovic

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