I found out some background stuff on The Island of Dr. Moreau (1997) that I thought you might find interesting. Behind the scenes, things were as crazy as they were onscreen. Among the things going on, original director Richard Stanley--who was fired fairly early, partly because he couldn't control Kilmer--snuck back onto the set disguised as one of the animal/human hyrbrids so he could watch what was originally his project go to hell and actually appears onscreen once in a while. Richard Stanley on The Island of Dr. Moreau.
It didn't help anything that Val Kilmer was going through a divorce, David Thewlis broke his leg while on set, and the French government was detonating nuclear bombs near the atoll owned by Brando whose daughter, Cheyenne, had committed suicide just months earlier. Brando later received news on set of another death in the family. The script was revised so often that Brando got frustrated trying to memorize things and instead had a receiver in his ear to tell him his lines. Everybody spent a lot of time improvising dialogue.
It didn't help anything that Val Kilmer was going through a divorce, David Thewlis broke his leg while on set, and the French government was detonating nuclear bombs near the atoll owned by Brando whose daughter, Cheyenne, had committed suicide just months earlier. Brando later received news on set of another death in the family. The script was revised so often that Brando got frustrated trying to memorize things and instead had a receiver in his ear to tell him his lines. Everybody spent a lot of time improvising dialogue.
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