Bleach: Memories of Nobody:
I had the major frustration of watching the plot advance only because Ichigo stupidly mentions nothing of Senna to Urahara. Of course she was the Shinenju, as most people would have guessed as soon as Uruhara mentioned it. She annoyed the crap out of me at first but, surprisingly, less so as it went on, though I wasn't so fond of how she went from overpowered to utterly helpless so quickly.
The flip notebook of expository illustrations killed me. Ichigo's family also kills me.
I really liked the art, especially the fall leaves, pinwheels, and Ferris wheel.
Uryu: "Do you have a plan?"
Rukia: "Don't worry about it. We'll think of something."
I'd say that tends to be a big problem throughout the series. I'll be in the corner with Uryu hoping for everyone to show more brains sometime soon.
I have to say that I found the extended battle in the dimension of screams boring, though. Partly because I can't keep track of everyone's powers and strengths and thus had no conception of how much danger anyone was actually in. Ichigo alone commonly shrugs off lethal wounds. Partly because it took too damned long. I didn't feel any threat of the worlds colliding until the last 15 minutes.
Ichigo's a good guy. Sometimes it's easy to forget that in the midst of endless battles and endless training for battles. This might make you laugh, but for me it was him going back to the shop to pay for the ribbon. I expect him to be protective of little girls.