A Small Left Turn or, Tale o' the Twister

Jan 07, 2009 23:24

The thing about life and memories is that little things link to each other in occasionally unexpected ways. A line of dialogue that came to me this morning brought me back to a song on the Pump Up the Volume soundtrack which made me think of the movie which made me think of the ways both brought me to goth.

Watching Pump Up the Volume years later ( Read more... )

writing, movies, music, concrete blonde, goth, fic

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Comments 19

wirrrn January 8 2009, 11:11:18 UTC

PUMP UP THE VOLUME remains on my Have Not Seen Don't Really Plan To list. The Christian Slater love is not strong in me.

Baby Seth Green is the lead character in Woody Allen's best film, RADIO DAYS. He's so cute1 (in a completely different way than he is now, of course!) and also gets the best line of the film. Even then, he was funny! It's also impossible to watch Julie Kavner and not think of Marge Simpson...


viridian5 January 8 2009, 17:11:28 UTC
I think it's a film you really have to see as a teen anyway. I used to love him--c'mon, Heathers!--and still retain some fondness.

I avoid Woody Allen like the plague.


wirrrn January 8 2009, 22:16:47 UTC

What? Isn't that a Serious Crime for a New Yorker?! *g*


viridian5 January 9 2009, 02:37:13 UTC
Amazingly, there's no punishment for thinking that Woody Allen is highly overrated and a creepy fuck with ego issues. I'm glad that at least I no longer have to see commercials for movies in which he's the romantic lead matched to a woman 40 years younger since he finally realized some small sense of shame.


lady_ganesh January 9 2009, 02:41:12 UTC
Wait, who's baby Seth Green? It's been years since I saw the movie.

Would you like the soundtrack in mp3s? I have it somewhere. I get "Tale of the Twister" in my head at the oddest times and places.


viridian5 January 9 2009, 02:51:43 UTC
He's the orange/redheaded kid who helps some students rig a system up to the PA so a Hard Harry tape can briefly play throughout the school. It's a small role, but when I saw part of the movie recently on cable at the moment he showed up I was all "Wait, that's Seth Green!"

I would love that very much!


lady_ganesh January 9 2009, 02:52:17 UTC

I'll go looking for it.


kittyheaven January 9 2009, 21:31:14 UTC
I still have a soft spot for that film (and some residual Christian Slater love)!
Being a painfully shy, bullied, angst ridden teenager I totally identified with the film of course :P
I still like putting on the start to 'Kick Out the Jams' when I'm pissed off with someone.

Not surprisingly I was also annoyed they didn't have the original Leonard Cohen version or 'Hello, Dad... I'm in Jail', and they didn't have 'If it be Your Will' either!

I do however have loose morals and the CD version of the album also converted to mp3 if you wanted... ^_^


viridian5 January 9 2009, 21:40:06 UTC
I was happy he was recently on TV in My Own Worst Enemy, though I'm not surprised it was canceled. I don't know what more they could have done with the plot.

Loose morals for the win! Thanks!


kittyheaven January 9 2009, 22:12:59 UTC
If you can find any vids of him hosting The Friday Night Project (UK programme)a while back he was awfully naughty and rather yummy ^_~

OK that was harder to locate than it should have been *shakes head at husband's lack of filing skillz* :)
Tale o' the Twister - 7.6mb, all of it 108mb what works best for you? I am surprisingly backwards when it comes to the ways kids are sharing stuff nowadays ^_^


viridian5 January 9 2009, 22:33:00 UTC
"The kids"? *g* Haven't thought of myself that way for some time.... Do you have a favorite file sharing site? I can do anything except megaupload, because for some reason that site never lets me finish downloading.


the_other_sandy January 11 2009, 16:27:45 UTC
If you want to see Christian Slater nailing my shy kid mannerisms, watch Untamed Heart. His character, Adam, was me in 8th-9th grade. I'm still shy, but nowhere near that bad anymore. However, there was a span of time when people in school would jump in startlement if I spoke out loud.


viridian5 January 11 2009, 19:42:24 UTC
Was that the one where he had the heart transplant? Wow, I think I saw that in 1993....


the_other_sandy January 11 2009, 19:48:52 UTC
Close. It's the one where he needed a heart transplant but kept refusing because of some fable a nun told him in the orphanage where he grew up. It did indeed come out in 1993.


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