i can finally say that i'm on my final project for typography.
we're making brochures (10x10 which doesn't seem very brochure-y but that's fine by me!). my topic is cross-stitching. apparently, there's an omaha craft mafia - a local group of people who make various crafts and someone sews or sewed. i'm having a difficult time to find all of them online. their main website doesn't exist anymore. the only reason i tried to find them because it just so happens my instructor bought a small sampler already made (i hate your guts) from them. he suggested i interview them. eh.
but i'm super happy with the topic since i get to learn more about it. at the same time, it's overwhelming and makes me feel funny in a not so good way. it's probably just information overload and the uncertainty of what i'd want to do when i get to cross-stitch my life away.
all i know is i won't do cliche samplers from michael's or hobby lobby. except for the one i'm going to do during break because it does look cool and the whole blending colors thing.
but i'd like to do a couple from
subversive cross stitch. on the top of my list: truthiness :D
and i want their book too.