Call For Proposals - Fan Culture and Theory
For Conference details click Deadline for proposal submissions is December 15.
Proposals for both panels and individual papers are now being accepted for all aspects of Fan Culture and Theory, including, but not limited to, the following areas:
·Fan Fiction
·Fan/Creator interaction
·Race, Gender and Sexuality in Fandom
·Music Fandom
·Reality Television Fandom
·The Internet and Fandom - Live Journal, IMDB and beyond
·Fan Communities
·Fan Media Production - icons, fanvids, fan art and filk.
·Fans as Critics
Please submit abstracts of 100-250 words with relevant audio/visual requests by December 15
online. Instructions for doing so are here: Panel proposals should include one abstract of 200 words describing the panel,
accompanied by the abstracts (250 words) of the individual papers that
comprise the panel. Graduate students are encouraged to submit
Feel free to email ( with any questions you may have.