Never-ending saga of the car

Dec 11, 2007 17:47

Well, I feel that I should update since my lj says it's been 6 weeks. Guess I'm a slacker. My last post was about 15 mins after I discovered my car had been stolen. And you know what? That's just the beginning. The first night I reported it to the cops, insurance, and my mom. The second day was spent getting a rental car, filing a report with my apt complex (where it was taken from), reporting my parking passes for both home and school missing. I also had to report my airport security badge missing with both the airport and UPS. Went to UPS and filled out some paperwork to bring to badging office, but it was closed before I got there so I got my new badge the next day. The next weeks were spent communicating with the cops, the insurance comp and my mom trying to coordinate what we would do if the car was found and if it wasn't.
The car was found on a Friday in mid-Nov while I was at a Her concert. Seeing Leisha Hailey stand two feet away from you is a completely surreal experience. Anyway, the car was found abandoned in a parking lot two towns over and was towed to the towing company where it was stuck all weekend. I couldn't get it out until Monday, but they still charged me ridiculous storage fees. Since the car didn't run (ignition shot), it got towed to the dealership to await the insurance guy to look at it and make an estimate of damage to determine if it's totalled or not. It sat at the mechanic's for 2 1/2 weeks until the guy got around to looking at it. When he showed up he just took some pics and got some info from me about existing vs. new damage and determined that he couldn't make a determination at that time because the car didn't run. He told the mechanic to fix the ignition so we could see if the car actually runs or if there's any engine trouble. That took a week. I got the word yesterday that although the ignition is now fixed, there's enough electrical damage to consider the car a total loss. That means that the insurance company won't pay to fix the car and even if we pay, they will no longer insure the vehicle. Therefore, they're going to cut my mom and I a check for dramatically less than the car is actually worth and we now need to buy a car right in the middle of the Christmas shopping season when nobody has any money. Good times.
Did I mention that the insurance company is only partially paying for my rental I've had since Oct. 29 and that they cut me off after 30 days of renting it? Also I had about $300 worth of stuff in the car: tent, air mattress and pump, blanket. All gone. Even a photograph that has no value but sentimentality to me is missing. The only thing still in the car when it was recovered is my softball glove I've had since I was 12 that is literally falling to pieces but that I love dearly and my favorite astrology book I had to special order from In Other Words were inside. Money-gone. airport badge-gone. Sunglasses and cassette tapes-gone.
The weird thing is I don't feel victimized. True, I was the victim of a crime. But I'm more annoyed at the massive inconvenience it's caused me than anything else. I'm also stressed about all the money I've had to spend as a result of this. I'm going to get a second job in January to try to pay off my credit card debt. So now you're all up to speed. That has pretty much been my life for the past 6 weeks.
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