Hey, folks: Have you seen the newest edgy Evangelical ads? The "
He Gets Us" ads, currently on YouTube? I'm in the midst of yet Another "Stolen Dreams" funk at Present, and trying not to get too Annoyed at these things. Does Yeshua ha-Notzri actually "get" having his Favorite musicians killed off before their time? Maybe Yeshua gets not having his vocation Supported by his own family, in spite of all the Angelic visions they received, even before he was born. Does Yeshua get it when people are totally Fed Up with the organized religion he allegedly founded? Does he get it when one of the members of Said religion really wants to become a Pagan, but is Scared to leave her old church, Due to all the "fire and brimstone" hanging over her head? Does he get wanting to be a Witch?
Maybe Yeshua gets my meditations on storming the gates of the Christian Paradise, riding horseback at the head of an army of maybe 30,000 Punk-Rock Faeries, demanding that Nualláin Óg be Returned to us, Brought back to life; or Otherwise, that I be Permitted to go Back in time, to fulfill my need to study and collaborate with the Seanchaí Óg already. I stand at the head of an army Riding bikes, mopeds, skateboards, even stilts; Various chant leaders fire up the throng, getting them to repeat such rhyming chants as "Dream-stealing sucks! We're all out of fucks!" and my own lyric, "Dream-stealing's got to stop! Go text it from the mountain-top!" I, meanwhile, shout through a megaphone exactly why we're all There, and exactly what we intend to achieve by being There. I conjure images of portals back in time, or portals to an Alternate Universe, or portals showing images of what could have been if Predictable wrenches hadn't been Thrown in the mechanics of my dreams and plans. Sometimes an angelic force comes out and vaporizes us all into dust; but we just reconstitute ourselves, as I yell back, "Sure, go Ahead and nuke us all! What good will that do? It just makes y'all look bad!"
Sorry, folks, but I'm not "moving on." I still want my Favorite musician Back; I still want to study and collaborate with him. I still want to be a Successful touring folksinger in my own right. I still want to work with my Favorite local performer, even if he thinks I'm too old and fat to share a stage with. I still want my Original creative work to sell, and be Noticed, seen and heard. Enough with the Curse of Disregard already. When is Yeshua ha-Notzri, or freaking Somebody, going to do something about that? If he actually "gets me", when is he going to extract the wrenches from the gears of my dreams, goals and plans? I don't want anyone else making plans for me; I want my own plans and goals to be Supported, not Thwarted. What do I have to resort to, to get my dreams Returned and Restored to me, Intact and Implemented? Because I'm going to sit outside Heaven's gates, Punk-Rock Faeries at the ready, until I get my dreams, and my Celtoqawwali collaborator, back Alive and Well again.