I just had to reset my LJ password in order to Login. Maybe I'm becoming a she-codger; but why does everything have to be Revised, Reset, Upgraded and Whatever?? I had the Same freaking password for 16 years; and suddenly, it doesn't work Anymore. Not enough Different sorts of characters. Sigh
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I look at my Friends feed and only one person posts consistently a couple of times a week. Hint: neither you nor me. Unfortunately LJ lets me look at one page of entries in the Friends feed but doesn't let me go to earlier pages, which was a feature for well over a decade. I have to go to the persona's actual journal to see "earlier" posts.
Last week I scoured my old entries from September 2001-January 2002. Lots of comments from different mutual friends, whose accounts are still active, but half haven't posted to LJ since 2005-2010. (I was looking for posts about satsangs to see if I'd said anything about posts an LJ friend had made about some she attended during a vacation to England. Nothing. I guess I wrote about them in my paper journal, which long since went to shredder heaven. Unfortunately I can get to her LJ archives from that period even though we are mutual friends. Nothing shows up for all of 2001. The thing was that I felt serious heart-chakra energy stirring in me when I read about her satsang experience; it was a period in which I started seriously dipping my feet into the cosmic metaphysical pool.)
Where was I? Oh, yeah. I miss the olden days before Facebook and Twitter when "blogging" was new. Facebook and Twitter ruined social media.
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