AIM IM with horseturner1/7/09 4:57 PM
What kind of panties are you wearing? ITS SSO CUTE
Horse Turner?
New one?
Couldn't find anything on it, so I responded
Had an lj in their profile, which is inactive: convo:
What kind of panties are you wearing? ITS SSO CUTE
this a bot? Haven't seen "turner" before. New Coho, salmon?
The homo gay niggers from outer space used to just say odd things, now they're getting polite...
so dobernala.... is there a little fucked up 15 year old on the other side, or am I randomly going to message a stranger after a delay or some shit this time?
end convo
Found info
here. It's trolling 2009.
AIM IM with halfbreedobama1/7/09 5:17 PM
lovely. ciao
so easy to flame when you're armed
de-arm an asshole, and he turns into a polite little nothing
So what's your misfire? Dick fall off? Don't have a dick? Chick who's so fucking ugly she won't leave the house?
AIM IM with halfbreedobama1/7/09 5:32 PM
spraken ze deutch?
No, but I wish I did.
I've always wanted to go to berlin.
wanna tinker with my stinker??
Newp, but I knew you were going to ask. Now I don't feel left out
Wait, did you just terd to niggermania recently?
LOL niggermania? that's awesome.
How so?
ah, very interesting.
For that is not my anal dildo.
So I'm trying to figure out if you're an actual person, half a person, or a fullblown bot
but there we have it. That weird little niggermania thing. Once upon a time it had something to do with luftwaffe.
I'm going to go with the middle choice.
Now it seems to be more hitleriffic (and possibly more polite) with the names.
I would assume that you're not InfantRape.
Right, like the banana skirt thing.
im trying to figure out if im going to rape you and then kill you or just kill you
First you're gonna have to figure out where i live
and a true psycho path would kill me, then rape me
Hmm, I've been called something to the effect of half human.
he he
I have neigh desire to know where you live.
Well then how the fuck do you plan to rape me? All talk, no walk.
I always find these little vignettes entertaining after an niggermania terd.
Anyway, have a good morning, afternoon or evening, depending on what timezone you're located in.
Thanks. You made my homework less mundane, and for that I'm strangely thankful.
riverside california
Best of luck with your homework
lol so you gonna rape all one million people in the area just to make sure you got me?
Well, considering that's not my actual anal dildo, I have not plans on raping anybody.
So you're female.
if i have to rape and kill 1 million people, yes, that would be a bnus
but since you have so clearly posted your picture online, as well as detail your place of education, it shouldnt be too hard finding you
5:47 PM
Myspace is a beautiful place.