Player Information:
Name or Handle: Katie
AIM/ MSN / Plurk name: MoonGoddessSK
Any current characters here?: Cordelia Chase and Lilah Morgan and Tyler Lockwood
Character Information:
Character Name: Jessica Hamby
Age: 17
Canon: True Blood
Jessica looks like she's seventeen, and she always will. She'll never age past this however, because she's a vampire. She's tall, with a rather lithe figure and very pale skin (comes with the whole vampire territory). Her most noticeable feature is probably her long red hair that she usually wears straight (though she does curl it sometimes). She's tried things like tanning lotion to try to hide her paleness but they're all temporary states at best. When she vamps out, unlike other versions of vampires, her fangs simply op out. Her face, however, remains otherwise unchanged.
Jessica is almost the living embodiment of the old nursery rhyme, "There was a girl, who had a curl in the middle of her forehead, and when she was good she was very good, and when she was bad she was horrible."
That is to say, Jessica is the sort of character who has two dueling natures. Part of this is because she's a vampire, and part of it because she lived a very, very repressed life before she was turned and now she suddenly has all this freedom and power for the first time ever in her life, and she has no idea how to deal with any of it.
For the most part, Jessica tries to be a good girl like she was always raised to be. And sometimes, it actually works. When she's with Hoyt, who usually shows her love and acceptance, she's sweet and calm. The normal childish tendencies that can be seen in her as assuaged because she doesn't have to worry about him liking her or not, he already does. For the first time in her life, someone just accepts and loves her, and it feels almost too good to be true.
And that's important to her, because what Jessica wants and needs more than anything else in life is acceptance. It was something she never got from her father who repressed and beat her, and her mother who turned a blind eye to her plight. When she got turned she looked for it from Bill, Eric and Pam but they all decided she was too annoying to deal with. And that's hard on her, because she feels like she doesn't have a place in the world. She's not like the other vampires, but she's not a regular girl either. And she doesn't know what she wants to be. This is why when Hoyt breaks up with her in the end of season two, it's extremely traumatizing on her. Because he was the one person who seemed to love her no matter what, and in her eyes she screwed that up too. So what was the point in trying anymore?
She's very fragile, and at this point in her life, she could really go one of two ways. She could grow into being a powerful, good vampire, or she could become an out of control monster. The problem is part of her wants to be both, she is torn between her two innate natures. More than anything else, she wants someone else to tell her what to be, to shower her what's right, but she has no guidance. Bill turned her and then basically abandoned her and she has all these changes and urges that she just doesn't understand. So it makes her angry, because that's how most people respond to that which they don't understand.
In many ways, Jessica is like a small child. Though she wants to be good, to be liked and loved, she's very immature. When she doesn't get her way, she's very likely to sling insults and pout and throw fits. The world seems unfair to her, like it's picking on her for some reason she can't understand. This is especially seen in her interactions with Bill, who she blames for her situation, as he's the one who turned her in the first place.
Even when she manages to find things to be happy, it seems like she's always waiting for the other shoe to drop. Because she's not used to things going right in her life because they never have before. In a way, a lot of her acting out is a form of deflection. A way to try to push people away before they can get too close and hurt her. And even when she does manage to form a bond, she can never understand it. Because she hates herself and doesn’t know how to love who or what she’s become, she can’t understand why anyone else would care about her.
Jessica also has a lot of anger in her and has no idea how to control herself when she gets angry. This is shown when she tries to get revenge on her father for beating her, or when she bites Hoyt's mother for insulting her and her relationship with Hoyt. Because Bill is always off with Sookie or doing other things than teaching Jessica she has no idea how to control her vampiric nature.
But one of the most humanizing things about Jessica is that she still feels intense guilt over the things she does after she loses control. She still has a conscience, and because of that, when she messes up it just reconfirms her already existing ideas about lack of self worth. Although she initially seems to really enjoy the freedom that was given to her by being turned, it’s also caused her to see herself as something less than human. More and more, she begins seeing herself as a monster, because how could she do the things she does without being one?
If you are apping a character arriving from another game: yes
babylonwood Background:
Canon: babylonwood:
When Jessica was brought into Babylon Wood, she had been on the cusp of a major life change, giving into her darker, vampiric nature. But being there shifted that, helped her learn how to accept herself, if just a little. She had friends, and people who didn't judge her for what she was. After being rejected by Hoyt, the first boy she had ever loved in her own world, that kind of acceptance became a big deal.
She learned how to feed on people without murdering them, a lesson she would have had to learn the hard way in her own world. But she also learned how to track animals and drain them for blood, using that as a substitute for human blood. It sure as hell beat the taste of the synthetic stuff.
She learned how to be discreet. In her own world, vampires were common knowledge, but hardly accepted. In the world she was sucked into, vampires weren't something everyone had experienced, or knew how to deal with. She's learned to be careful, to trust before revealing too much of herself.
Of the people in CS, the ones she would know would be Alec, Stefan, Spike, and Anna. But the only one who would be the version she would know would be Alec, who was one of her best friends there. The rest she would recognize (and know Spike and Stefan are vampires, and Anna an angel) but of course, they would not know her.
Canon point:
The season 2 finale, "Beyond Here Lies Nothin'"
Special Abilities:
Heightened speed, strength and senses, a healing ability, and the ability to glamour people (basically wipe their mind or control them). Jessica is particularly good at glamouring and can even do so to multiple humans at once. There's also bonding which happens between anyone would would drink her blood.
Her weaknesses are: sunlight, stakes, fire, and silver. Magic also been seen to be a weakness for vampires in the True Blood universe.
Also, due to being a vampire she cannot enter a home unless she's invited in first.
She also cries blood tears instead of the regular kind. And fangs pop out when she's hungry, aroused, or pissed off, though she's becoming better at controlling that.
None in mind so far
First Person: Third Person: Anything Else: