Well, that was more than I ever wanted to say. Ever. Oops.
Oh well. Let 'em think what they want. For now I can't do anything, anyway. It's like being stuck between a fucking rock and a hard place, BUT WHAT'S NEW THERE?
Jesus, I guarantee I'll never hear the end of this ever. From anybody. I really need to learn when to keep my mouth shut. I do.
I need to find my books. I'm stuck without them, and Enzo's fucking...It was a waste of time, trying to get him to do anything. It was nice, though, telling him to get off his ass and get to work, or consider his meal ticket gone. And he knows I'll do it. Building's completely mine now, so he has jack shit to hang over my head. And, of course, he knows that, too. For once, I'm the one really calling the shots, and it's eating him alive, if he wants to stay in booze and hookers.
Sad little boy. I have the feeling I'm going to have to get rid of him the hard way, when the time comes. He knows a little too much. Not something I want to do, but...Well. Can't have him running his mouth back home. Every demon in my cranny of the world would be all over my ass, and while that's not really that bad, I'm not ready.
This is bullshit.
Dee dee li dee dee
There they are a'standing in a row.
Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head~