Jul 02, 2007 13:22
Well then. The weather was much better than expected, and although my roommates were slutty and stupid, they were out all night partying and didn't get back sometimes until literally 8 in the morning, just as I was leaving. So I basically had the room to myself.
It's Grandma Erickson's 70th birthday today.
I made some friends at CI. Everyone was from fuckin' Jersey or Long Island, my favorite kind of people. Mom and Dad made friends with a woman named Ellen from Long Island, whose son was recruited to run at GW. ("Whoever heard of a Jew, running? Oy." [I kid you not.])
After the psychos in Scotland, the security around the airport got a little crazy. Our bus was pulled over and the luggage compartments were all searched for bombs. It was awesome. Over there, the news actually affects our lives, you know? If the terror alert is raised, it changes traffic patterns and which buildings we can enter. I like feeling that connected. I LOVE feeling that connected.
Another couple my parents made friends with have a son who is going to the Elliot School at GW (the international affairs school). They used to live in Manhattan, and he always had a view of the Twin Towers. He's going into International Relations because of 9/11. It's nice to know that that day impacted someone else as much as it did me. Over here, it's been largely forgotten by so many people, or they downplay its importance. I always cared about government and politics, but I didn't feel the moral obligation to serve my country the way I do now. We grew up in this happy '90s bubble of Clinton's peace and prosperity. It was unthinkable to me that the world didn't love us -- naive, of course, but what was I, twelve? If there were people out there who wanted our downfall, fuck that. I'd spend the rest of my life making this country the best the world has ever known -- though, of course, it already is.
So, Dad finally found out about Thurston Hall's reputation as the most sexually active dorm in the country. Thrustin', they call it on campus. He is NOT happy about me living there, but then again, neither am I.
I met a guy from P&V; he introduced himself, and I stuck my hand out for a handshake, but he gave me a high-five. Rock ON. Oh my God. That was pretty cool. I introduced myself to all the College Democrats at the Student Org Fair, so that was cool.
I'm running for RAC, the residence hall student government. My platform will be "Clean Up Thurston." We'll get Purell machines in the dorm lobbies and student lounges, and crack down on the rampant underage drinking. We'll make sure that condoms are widely available, as well. . . right now, they set out a bowl once a week, but they're always gone by the end of the first night.
I'm going to lose that election, I know, because most people probably don't want Thurston cleaned up. But at the very least it'll be a good way to meet like-minded people, who won't drink until they're 21. Those are the friends I want.
Everyone from the Northeast is tiny. It's cute. There are lots of nerdy Jewish boys -- I was in heaven and did more than my share of flirting. You could tell they weren't used to it, and I'm pretty sure I got one guy from Sacramento hooked. After working with him in a couple of small groups, and finding all his jokes pretty funny, I strutted past him on the last morning and even pulled off a motherfrickin' hair flip. We both turned around to look at each other, and I smiled and went on my way. Sweet.
Wow, okay, I better have a shower so I can go to Grandma's birthday party. Gimme a call, you guys; I'm finally home! I love you all.