Phewww ... It's been one entire month since I passed my last exams. No need to worry about them, the Rights University don't suit me. I'm quitting. (it's full of snobs there !! I managed to make 2 only friends ... It was crazy to realize that there is some kind of clothing policy at each University ... I didn't really like it. Except the many hours I could do nothing ^^)
Now, because they still don't want me at any jobs ... I'm spending my time reading yaoi, drawing, watching animes, watching all the movies I have always wanted to watch, and playing Resident Evil 4 ... Damn this game is so great ! But it's kind of scary ... But I love it ! (there will be a movie from this at the end of the year ! With Leon ! Yayyy *fangirl mode on* ... You can see the trailer on the net.)
Anyway, I'm accepted at the Informatic University hehe ! I will be able to learn how to crack systems, how to decode ... hum .. I mean, I will be able to learn how to create some good stuff and all ! .. lol
I already know how to make my own website (if you wanna visit, you can just go to one of my old webie
there. It's in french, and I have to re-work on it this month.)
Saturday, .. we'll be celebrating a friend's anniversary. Se's turning 20, and she want her party to be the Sturday night fever party ! lol I'm expecting much of this evening ^w^
Last time we gathered for this kind of event, it was for my own birthday. We did it in a little chalet (there was no toilet, it was fun, because we had not to get too drunk ... yeah .. it's not easy to have a pee in the forest ! lol)
The theme was "cross-dressing", something like that lol
But my best friend wanted to cosplay an old granny. She wanted to "match" with me who was playing the old grandad ! lol
(I even wore a pair of clog, lol)
Anyway, we ended drunk as always (or at least we were 3 idiots laughing for nothing and the others were laughing at us) but we didn't have any problems with the missing toilets ... It's a really good memory for me, I hope we'll have as much fun as we had this time ^^ (but there will be a toilet this time. definitly ! lol)