Jun 21, 2006 21:31
Okay now things are kicking my ass. I'm starting to feel the strain. Hopefully that will pass after this weekend once we get moved into the new place. I'm a bit worried about the move. I know I'm starting to get that bad discomboluation/mind melting thing when I accidentally turned the wrong burner on high last night that had a glass dish sitting on it that exploded all over the kitchen. At least I caught it to turn it off, but not fast enough to keep it from already being heated enough to explode. All I could do was turn off the burner, duck and cover!! Scared the hell out of me and the cats.
I think I'm going to just ditch some of my furniture to make it easier (loveseat, dresser, and a bookcase). If anyone wants some crappy furniture, let me know. Also, if anyone wants to earn an extra $25 by helping me move, I could definitely use the help. It shouldn't be too strenuous and will only take a couple hours. I need to get finished packing. At least I have the u-haul rented and a driver. Too much crap to do! I've said screw painting my room and bathroom until I get moved in. I was hoping to work on some of it once we moved in, but it seems that will be the only things left once we move in which is good to get it out of the way, it's just getting to be overwhelming and I can't keep up. Most of it has fallen to Amy which was not my intent, but she's done a great job.
The job is going great!! I love it and want to be an auditor! Get paid to travel and be critical...hell yeah! But first I need to get past the next couple weeks before getting my mind set back into school to obtain that piece of paper. I need to speak to the main boss about exactly what type of piece of paper I will need to move on to an auditor position. At least the admin. position will be a good start since they are training me on the same exact stuff as the two new auditors.
Okay...time to recharge the battery with an early bedtime.