kennahijja is
gauging interest in a "Write-Your-Own-Fic" Fest. See the link for more information!
ToneMatrix: I stumbled upon it last night, and it may be the most addicting thing ever. It is both visually aesthetic and aurally pleasing, not to mention quite happiness-inducing!
Bernanke and Geithner take in a ballgame: Because, hello, the most attractive Treasury Secretary ever at a baseball game still dressed in Western business attire and looking incredibly adorkable? Yes please.
Why Sotomayor rejected the New Heaven firefighters' claim: Slate proves yet again why it is awesome by providing not only the necessary context of Ricci v. DeStefano but by also examining the nature of civil rights law as it is.
5. Democracy in America's
quote of the day: Karl Rove speaks some truth, at last!
Signing off, V.M. Bell