So. Tonight marked the first time I actually watched Heroes on the physical television -- the previous eighteen episodes were viewed over at the NBC website (for free! with minimal advertising!). Therefore, this was Very Exciting for me. All the more so because I began reviewing demand-side equilibrium in macroeconomics and inflationary/recessionary gaps are win. ♥
Right. Heroes. I must say that I cried nonexistent emo tears when Peter "died" because Peter = yay. And, um, have been a covert Peter/Claire shipper ever since that whole "save the cheerleader, save the world" mantra and. Hah. It never quite occurred to me that they were related, even though I knew that Nathan is Claire's biological father. THE INCEST IS DRAWN TO ME NATURALLY I CAN'T HELP IT.
But, uh. Am lacking coherent things to say other than "!!!!!!!" Nathan as president should be interesting. Still not liking this Nikki/Jessica part of the plot at all, don't know why. I like Mr. Bennet more and more with each episode, and I'm finally warming up to Matt Parkman. Also. MOHINDER. YOU ARE SO CLEARLY WORKING WITH THE BAD GUYS. STOP THIS ASSOCIATION NOW PLS. And more Hiro! There must be more Hiro! He and Ando are absolutely adorable. :D
Right, back to the econ now. And stat. And oh fuck I didn't practise piano today. :/
Signing off, V.M. Bell