I know at the rate I'm posting today, it'll be akin to spamming hence why this will go under LJ-cut!
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soloscry 1. Which is your favorite fic?
I'd say 'Rules of the Jungle' which was the FIRST Henry-centric fanfic over at miracle comm.
2. Which is your best-received fic?
Kindred Spirits, my first DBSK fic. 400 views.
3. Which is your worst-received fic?
I'd say iTunes meme.
4. Which is your angsty-est fic?
I'd say Kindred Spirits and Infidelity.
5. Which is your funniest fic?
Seeing Red This Christmas was one fic that still cracks me up bad. The others become a tad stale.
6. Smuttiest?
I can't write smut. At all. The closest I could get was 'Seeing Red This Christmas'. However, I've been wanting to write smut for ages so who knows? Maybe one day, I can finally write smut that isn't funny.
7. Fluffiest?
Fluff? Let's see...there's I'm Dreaming of a White Christmas, When You Wish upon a Star and Let's Get Physical. <3
8. Have you ever made someone cry with a fic?
I have no idea. But I say that 'Snapshots of the Past' had the most number of reviewers going, 'You made me cry'? Does that count?
9. Which fic frustrates you the most?
All of my on-going ones. *nods*
10. Which fic was the most fun to write?
I'd say iTunes meme and Let's Get Physical.
11. Who is your favorite OC you've ever created?
Hmm...None so far? I hated all my OCs.
12. Are you better at oneshot or multipart?
I'm definitely better at one-shot. I fail at attempting at multi-parters. I never seem to finish them.
13. What character do you think you're the best at portraying?
I seriously have no idea because you'd never know if their stage persona is completely different offstage and so forth.
14. What character is the most difficult to portray?
Read above. Hence, I find most characters difficult to portray, particularly Jaejoong, Eeteuk and Kyuhyun.
1.) How about a brief introduction?
Khairul. Going on 19. Singapore. FanBOY. That's about it. You want to know more about me, then you could go read my
suju_rating application
here. I'm too lazy to cut and paste. lol.
2.) Fabulous, and what got you into fanfiction to begin with?
I'd have to say some Japanese anime though I can't remember which. I got into fanfiction when I was ten and was already writing yaoi. Hell, I filled a hardcover logbook with one story about some kid and Pokemon and super powers. *facepalms* Two words: Gary Sue.
3.) I see. So what kind of fanfiction do you like to write?
I tend to like writing angsty break-up stories between two guys since I barely write het.
4.) Do you find writing easy? Hard? What are the aspects of writing you struggle most with?
Writing is usually hard for me, partly because I'm rather particular about the arrangement of the words, the descriptions and so forth. I also find it hard when it comes to emotions - I dislike repeating the same phrases but sometimes, it can't be helped. But I especially hate it when I get writers' block.
I also struggle with silent readers. At the very least, tell me you like it or not. I want to know how I can improve my writing. It's rather disheartening when you have some 200 plus hits and only 5 reviews. What do the other 155 people think? Hell, I'm open to flames about my writing too.
5.) Write a few sentences or so of your favorite pairing or character.
My favourite character is Ryeowook from Snapshots of the Past. He was an insecure but mature realist.
6.) Are there any fanfiction clichés or trends you're sick of or just can't stand?
Hmm...I don't have any cliches that I can't stand. The way I see it, if I don't like the sound of it, I just don't read it. Why everyone else can't do the same, I have no idea.
7.) Are you guilty of any fanfiction clichés you hate? Or any other ones?
Hmm...I'm guilty of re-enforcing stereotypes? Like how the uke is submissive, for example. However, like I said, if you don't like what I write, don't read. I'm trying to break the stereotype too because I see the breaking of stereotype as a way for a character to grow. I'm trying to anyways.
8.) What was the first fandom you wrote for, and do you still like/participate in it?
First fandom that I wrote for was Fushigi Yuugi and I don't participate in it anymore. Nowadays, I'm more into Super Junior fandom.
9.) Name your OTPs or most frequently written pairings/characters and explain what it is about them that you love to write.
YunJae/Jaeho - Because they've got so much chemistry with each other, it's nice to break them up for the heck of it. Also, despite his appearances, Jaejoong's quite feisty. And they have the whole Appa - Umma relationship going on.
Kangteuk - Like the Jaeho, they too have the whole Appa-Umma relationship. Only difference is that they keep saying they like girls and yet they stick together like glue. Which continues to make me want to break them up over a girl. Usually, it's KangIn cos to quote him from the mini-con, "You all want me to marry Teukie right?"
Yehwook - Because dork god needs someone sane to tame him.
Kyumin - Sugary goodness. Enough said.
Shihanchul - The one ot3 filled with much crack. Afterall, you get one flamboyant diva and his two concubines, one overtly religious fellow who acts cute and the other a Chinaman who uses his 'poor' grasp of the Korean language to get away with things. Of course, we all know that he's actually quite good at it. And between the shihan, you never know who tops because really, the two of them have both seme and uke tendencies.
10.) What would you call your writing style.
Erm...verbal vomit? I don't even know how to describe it. >.< I'm sorry.
11.) Do you read other people's fanfic? If so what do you find yourself reading the most?
I do read other people's fanfics, particularly nhaca's because she can really make me cry. However, of late, I find that it's hard to find really good fics. I tend to gravitate towards stories that revolve around angst though. I like to see how others portray their characters and I take pointers on how I can better phrase a situation and so forth.
12.) Do you have trouble taking criticism? Or worse yet, do you have the dreaded bloated ego?
I can take criticism towards my writing style, my grammar and my spelling. Hell, I actually have to depend on my bestie to be harsh. I take every opportunity to better improve myself. However what I cannot accept is when the criticism is about my choice of pairings and about how i'm writing slash. Seriously, don't like, don't read. Simple no? And bloated ego? You're kidding me. Ego? I have none. A burst one, now that I have plenty.
13.) Name one thing you'd LOVE to write, but have been too afraid or shy to do.
I want to write a fic that people would talk about, remember. No wait, that's what every writer wants? lol.
I want to write smut but I don't have the skills to do so. And partly because if one isn't careful, it'll become too pornographic. I think smut has to be handled in such a way that it's gets one all hot and bothered and at the same time, isn't distasteful.
Oh and I also want to write an angst fic that makes people cry, including myself. A fic that leaves one breathless and aching and empty inside.
14.) When you write, is there anything that helps? Music? A quiet room?
I find that I write better in complete darkness with whatever music has inspired me to write. If not, then just complete silence. Otherwise, it's rather difficult to even write a sentence down. Of course, this is when I don't have writer's block. (God, someone invent the damn cure already)
15.) What inspires you?
Melancholic music like Yiruma's Kiss The Rain. Also, I get inspired by the real life stories people share with me. Or I see a painting or read a passage that relights the dying embers within. And of course, readers.
16.) Lastly, how would you sum up your fanfiction experiences and yourself as a writer?
Looking back, I would say that my writing style has evolved somewhat. I tend to describe more vividly although my bestie would say it's completely unnecessary. I would like to continue writing and of course, continue improving myself.
How many fanfictions do you have submitted?
About 16. 3 on-going stories, 10 one-shots and 3 completely stopped series.
I had more except I deleted a couple away on fanfiction.net and I lost the original files due to the fact that the computer crashed. Also, I have a number of completed fanfics which won't see light of day because I'm not too certain if I'm ready to submit them yet.
Which one has the most reviews?
Kindred Spirits!
iTunes meme. The amount of reviews I received almost made me want to cry. I had about a 100 hits within two days and I got 3 reviews. My target was only 5 (which I thankfully received).
Which fanfiction has the most words?
Erm...I don't know. Seriously.
Which fanfiction has the most chapters?
Most chapters? It would have been Kindred Spirits arc. 3 chapters except I took the last one down because the readers demanded that they wanted more. XD
What category are the majority of your fanfictions in?
Erm...I want to say angst but i'm not too certain. I don't keep track of what genres I write.
What do you like most in reviews: Quality or Quanity?
I'd like a mix though. I seriously don't know because I don't quite get double digit reviews you know. If I get just 5 reviews, i'm elated enough. XD
Have any of your fanfictions made it into at least one C2?
Fanfiction? No. My original fiction? Yes.
Are any of your fanfictions on at least one person's favorites list?
Er... I dunno @_@.
Are any of your fanfictions on at least one person's alert list?
Eh? Why do I get the feeling this was cut and paste from some meme done for fanfiction.net? lol. C2, alert list...hmm...
What genre do you most frequently write in?
I'd say angst and fluff?
Do you leave comments before and after a chapter?
I leave comments before a chapter.
Do you update frequently?
Sadly, no.
Do you frequently use original characters?
Nope. My OCs belong to their own universe which is a whole ball game altogether.
Are any of your fanfictions based on things that happened to you in real life?
To me? No. To people in real life like my friends and so forth, yes, yes, yes. Of course, I change certain parts.
Btw, if anyone is interested,
my fanfiction profile my fictionpress profile where i used to post my originals and my poetry before i just posted them on lj
and of course,
all my fics on lj. :)