(no subject)

Jan 03, 2008 19:52

I can't believe that I slept in class - get this, on the floor. I actually slipped onto the floor, somehow used the seat as the pillow and continued to sleep as my entomology lecturer droned on about nozzles and sprays and god knows what else. T.T

I will edit when I get back home. Hopefully, around 8. God, I pray I do well for my planting theory test. Marks will be out in a few minutes time. So toodles!

So let's see, I scored relatively mediocre for both projectwork AND theory. I was two marks short each to obtain a bloody A. Sigh...I feel as though I'm slipping and I pray I manage to get back up the slope again instead of heading further downwards. Two more papers left - biochem and plant pathology. Biochem's the major killer since she HAS confirmed that some people have failed the papers AND that as a class, we fared rather poorly. Of course, no one knows who she uses as a gauge. We're trying to stay somewhat positive and just think that she's just setting high standards for us.

Anywhos, tomorrow's a rather busy day. Back to CWP again. What fun. *sic*

I shall post pictures of the flowerbed design we've implemented tomorrow because I didn't have my camera with me.

Where was I? Oh yes.

FYP. In less than 24 hours time, I'm supposed to make my decision. Whether to take the tissue culture module OR to do final year projects. T.T I'm SO tempted to do both but I can take only one. Oh, woe is me.

I sound like an egomaniac when I look back and read some of my entries. It's rather...peculiar. Oh well, first things first.

FYP or module.

AND to think that I've undergone two briefings concerning this.
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