I hate the damn flu bug. ARGH.
And yes, I managed to sleep in my own room about 5 minutes after I posted my last entry when I left my bedroom and switched off the lights. Lo and behold! He wakes up and leaves! 8D Yay!
Ahem. Anyways, as I've promised, yesterday's dinner with what remained of 4-4 was great. The company was fantastic and reminiscing about the past never seemed so entertaining. Partly because you hear different aspects to the story, making it far more hilarious. Or hidden gems that one has forgotten.
However, if anyone is going for a meal at Suntec, avoid the Pizza Hut outlet during peak hours because they can run out of glasses. (And possibly paper, bills, mops, brooms, staff and what have yous) I think one table kept looking at us because we were so effervescent - laughing like no tomorrow.
Headed off to Esplanade Terrace Garden where I am appalled that once again plastic turf is gaining popularity. The insanity!!! Do you know that the maintenance of plastic turf actually costs more than real turf in the long run? Also, that place is seemingly packed with amorous couples necking it out. Bleh.
Oh well, I've gotta take my meds and pray this stupid bug dies. I've got a headache as it is.
Also, is it a compliment when someone tells you: You still look the same! No changes.
When it's been 3 years since we've left school? (It kinda makes me wonder if being stuck on that train station makes you not age...hmm...)