
Feb 10, 2005 12:12

so basically im totally screwed.
my parents want to make my life miserable & ground me
& take my pills away and its bullshit.
i NEED my pills! !!
its kinda sad..
but whatever.
& my cigarettes too.
im just really tired of this.
but something happened to abby & david and they might be able to come home.
& i need him more than anything else in the world right now but god is a faggoty
ass nigger that wants me to be miserable.
even though meeting him was the best thing thats ever happened to me.
& abby too, i miss her.
im just so sick of not being able to see the two people that
make me happy, which are david & dasha.
dasha is my best friend in the entire world & sometimes shes the
only person i can talk to.
but fuck that i feel like im never going to be close to her again
because i never see her thanks to my parents. ughgughg whatever.
im just plain fed up with everyone & everything.
it got old really fast.
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