Doubts be gone!

Oct 13, 2010 12:51

I was just about to post another annoying update about the fact I'm still having doubts about my winter trip to Europe but I randomly decided to check the fabric website for drum n bass listings in December, not really expecting to see anything as listings go up 1st November.

Well, I got a surprise when I saw 3 gigs for December and guess what? I think all my doubts about making the right decision are gone. As my friends here in Perth & NZ keep gushing about their NYE plans, I've been getting more & more uncertain about my decision.

Well I just found out I'll be seeing most of the artists & a few others I've been dying go see again. So while people in Perth will be paying $300 to see half the artists, I'll see seeing 23 of all for $90 (over 3 nights) plus some I haven't seen in 2 years and more to be announced.

I guess you could say I have nothing to worry bout anymore. I'm seeing all the artists I wanted to, an experience you can only get in London. Summer in Perth can wait. I've got 2 weeks to relax at the beach before Europe & then 2 weeks after with Ksenia.

I'm so happy to have reached this point. Let's hope these doubts are all behind me now.

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drum n bass, doubts, via ljapp, europe

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