Gigs= Life

Sep 18, 2010 16:59

It's been a week of good music. On Wednesday night, I went out because my friend Brad was one of the local supports for Alix Perez from the UK. I was completely blown away by Alix Perez & would rate his set one of the best I've ever seen which is saying something.

Alix Perez

My friend Brad & Alix Perez behind him

Last night, I got to see my favourite Australian Hip Hop duo Horrorshow for the 3rd time. I don't think I could ever get sick of seeing them perform. If anything, my love for them just keeps on growing.

After the show, I approached the MC, Solo & we got talking. I've wanted to speak to him the other two times but was always too shy. I just never had anything to say because as much as I love their music, and Solo's lyrics have helped me through so many situations, I didn't want to be just another fan & gushing, "OMG I LOVE YOUR MUSIC!!111"

They're based in Sydney & since I'm going next week, I finally found a common ground. That definitely made my night!

The only photo I got of Solo performing with my shitty digital camera

Alcohol= no boundaries. The two things I refuse to do: get photos with artists & get something signed.

But this is a one off!!

Yes, that is Lindsay & I Karrie!

Soooo, sometime in July, Lindsay & I got talking again after 7 months of nothing. This girl used to be one of my best friends, who came with me to EVERYTHING but we fell out in December over stupid shit. I must say, it's good to have her back in my life! She's not here for long though, she's moving to the UK in 6 weeks.

hip hop, drum n bass, horrorshow, alix perez, lindsay

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