Aug 20, 2010 08:09
Now that I've decided I won't be sitting my politics exam, I've stopped going to classes. All we do in class is work through the textbook- something I can do at home so now I use those extra 4 hours to study my other 2 subjects.
It works out perfectly because my politics class is on a Wednesday & Friday morning. Now, I go to the gym in the morning & then go straight to the library & study. I have 5 weeks until end of term so perfect time to start studying for my exams now!
Dropping 1 class also means I have my evenings free to work out, see friends or work. Who knew what a difference 4 hours a week could do!
I've been working alot though. With my birthday next week, I'm taking Wednesday & Friday afternoon off so I'm working Friday night, Saturday & Saturday night this weekend.
It means I'm missing out on 2 gigs but I've gotten to the point where I don't care. My priorities have changed. Now with 3 holidays coming up in the next 6 months, gigs seem so inferior.
If anything, I've been seeing all my friends outside of gigs more often & forming such strong friendships.
I'm finally happy where I am in life.
canning college,
western power,
growing up