May 19, 2008 08:09
I haven't had a lot of time to post recently. Work has been kicking my ass, and my natural tendency is to relax really strenuously when I'm stressed out at work. That tends to leave me feeling stretched a little thin
This tendency to relax at warp 5.3 accidentally caused my son to get a terrifying climpse of his fathers life, that I'm sure he's aware of but doesn't like to think about. When you've been having sex for six hours and the bedroom is littered with dildos, smells of lube, and generally looks like the huns stopped by and forgot to pillage, your girlfriend probably shouldn't turn around in the door to talk to you. Especially when your kids are waking up and wandering down the hall.
Man, my children are going to be in therapy for YEARS.
I figured out that for every $400 monthly payment I send to the IRS, only about $210 of it gets applied to the balance. This is the month I was supposed to try to start paying them $400 a month in current taxes. To get this thing paid off, I really need to pay them about $1000 in back taxes. Not going to happen. My best bet is to try to pay then $600 a month in back taxes, and $400 a month in current taxes. It's a really good thing I'm making half as much as I did last year. That's makes this SO awesome!
As many of you know, this weekend is my 1 Year Anniversary with Lynne. It's pretty awesome to find yourself in a relationship that doesn't stink. I just need to figure out how to not screw this one up. My track record with relationships isn't exactly stellar. I blame me. Even when it's not directly my fault, my tendency to find other people more screwed up then I am to make myself feel superior doesn't translate into a whole lot of healthy relationships. If I was smart, I would just keep a diary, and then after every relationship, send it in to LifeTime as a script.
Anyway, this weekend, Lynne and I will be celebrating our Anniversary. Friday I'm taking her to Hyde Park for dinner. Saturday is my monthly TParty at the Pyramid Club, after which Lynne and I will be barricading ourselves in the house for 24 hours. A stock pile of booze, snacks and movies is growing in preparation.
We decided against a float for Pride this year, so the only thing I'm working on is marching with the Atheists in Pride.
*looks at list* Hmm, lets see. Work, work, work, pay bills, work, work work, sleep. Pay bills, work, pay bills, pay bills, work, work, work, death.
I'm holding of that last one for as long as possible.
There are things I need to change and will. There are things I need to change and I can't, and there's a lot of stuff that's exactly the way it needs to be, for which I'm very happy and content.