Feb 20, 2007 10:49
So last week was weird.. Dustin and I got in this HUGE fight monday morning.. it was really weird.. he left without saying anything i just sat there in shock and cried. I seriously thought we were never going to be the same I thought we were over and the divorce papers would probably be sent in the mail to me...It was seriously that bad.
So Tuesday I went to see my mother n law.. she just got out of the hospital for a hysterectomy.. and it was her birthday so I took her a dozen roses cotten candy and a cute card that made her laugh. And she wanted nothing more than to see Korben to make her feel better. We sat and talked for a while and she told me that she seriously didn't know what was wrong with dustin why he was acting the way he was and she said she doesn't get why we even split up beings him and i get along so well we still had sex all the time.. it was weird. Well I love her to death.
Wednesday the special day we got up early and went to Clackamas. My mom told me she had a suprise for me and she took me to get a manicure and a pedicure and then a massage right after. It was amazing!! And while we were shopping my cell phone was ringing and it was from a 496 number which is the area dustin lives in.. and when I answered he was almost crying telling me how hes throwing his life away and how he can't believe all the bad choices hes made and hes already made one mistake and doesn't want to make any more.. basically he told me that he doesn't want to be with out korben and i anymore. He doesn't want to make another mistake and loose us. I just cried.. and my mom just stared at me like i was crazy.. and i told him i loved him and that we needed to sit down and talk about everything on Friday his day off.
Well Thursday I got a bunch of things to suprise dustin with a sushi dinner. I bought rose pedals and candles and everything balloons i just wanted it to be amazing well thursday he called me and asked if i would come out that night because he can't stand being away from me one more night. So i went out to his house and set it all up for when he got off at 2:30 a.m. He came in and was shocked and said that I was his cheesy romantic better half lol Well we got back together that night. We are doing really well we spent the whole weekend together just holding eachother and loving on eachother.
well my birthday is in less than 2 weeks and then 5 days after that we leave for vegas. I'm so excited. :)