Чт, 13:28: Latest events in the USA finally drew the US domination era deadline. The USA joined the club of Ukraine, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Haiti, and many African and Middle Eastern countries. Was it was a Trump's action or a set-up by the Dems doesn't matter. Blood has been spilled.
Чт, 13:29: Blood in the USA has been spilled. The taboo on such actions has been destroyed. Now everything can go simply out of bounds.
Чт, 13:51: RT @ realDonaldTrump: They just happened to find 50,000 ballots late last night. The USA is embarrassed by fools. Our Election Process is wo…
Чт, 14:19: RT @ AleksKarpushev: Все западные лидеры как один "шокированы" происходящим в Вашингтоне, ибо "передача власти в стране должна происходить и…