Wittgenstein in Ireland

Nov 03, 2006 16:31

The subject of this post is the title of a book I bought three days ago. It's an interesting idea for a book, for sure (why I bought it). The author has these nice little digressions into things Irish; for instance, he (Richard Wall) takes a few pages to defend the dramatist Sean O'Casey simply because Wittgenstein once commented to his friend (concerning one of O'Casey's plays), "No one ever talked this sort of language."

Wittgenstein talking to his primary Irish friend, Con Drury, "Isn't it remarkable that, in spite of their professed materialism, the Russian's have gone to such trouble to preserve Lenin's body in perpetuity; and to visit his tomb. You know I don't think much of modern architecture, but that tomb in the Kremlin is well designed."

Tonight I receive my first and greatest birthday gift (my birthday's in December): Molly got us tickets for Jerry Seinfeld. I was completely surprised by this when she first told me, but I can't think of a better way to consummate my relationship with the man or the show, and I'm rather excited about it. I do wonder what his new material is like, but he could do old stuff from the show and I'd love it.

Tomorrow we drive up to New Braunfels for Wurstfest: beer, sausage and Goldens. The good life, in other words.
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