fic - BBC!Sherlock - Your Princess is Bombing Your Castle

Jul 21, 2011 22:17

Title: Your Princess is Bombing Your Castle
Author: virdant
Length: 156 words; super-short
Rating: PG
Genre: AU; Crack
Pairing: Vague suggestions of potentially one-sided Sherlock/Moriarty.
Summary: John is a Knight. Sherlock is royalty, and Moriarty is proposing marriage.
Warning: Moriarty is a princess. Who is male. This makes sense.
Notes: For Oly, who said regarding this is not a love story: "hmmm, intriguing! not my sherlock at all, you understand. john would be the knight to sherlock's king, for me [though moriarty may well be the queen >.>]" Thanks to Pann for the title.

Your Princess is Bombing Your Castle
Or: Oly should never be allowed to talk to me again.

“This is a very bad idea,” Knight John Watson said dramatically. “Very bad.”

“Yes, well,” Prince Sherlock replied, packing a suitcase. “Mycroft’s made himself clear. We can’t have Princess Moriarty bombing the castle.”

“So you’re going to get married to him?” John flailed. “If he moves into the castle, then it’ll be even easier for him to bomb it!”

Sherlock hummed thoughtfully. “You have to admit that it was the best wedding proposal this kingdom has never gotten. A puzzle! All across the kingdom! It was like Christmas!”

“And it ended with Moriarty kidnapping me!”

“Well, yes,” Sherlock agreed. “That was bad. But it was exciting!”

“He killed your subjects!”

“Well, yes, Mycroft was fairly upset about that.”


“Don’t worry, John.” Sherlock picked up his suitcase. “I hear that Reichenbach Falls is a great place to have a wedding.”


Masterlist of BBC!Sherlock fanfiction here

Masterlist of fandoms here

genre: au, organizational: fic, fandom: bbc!sherlock, genre: humor, pairing: sh holmes/moriarty

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